miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017



Are you a good brother / sister? Complete the survey questions to find out. Decide if you agree or desagree. Then find out what your answers mean.

  1. If your brother needed help with a personal problem, I would happily help and listen all her problem for fix it.

agree disagree

  1. If your brother have a problem with your parents, I would help him and say that you are the guilty.

                                                   agree disagree

  1. If your brother go to a trip for a lots of days, I would say goodbye and kis him.

                                                        agree disagree

  1. If your brother needed a book, a pen, etc., I would happily lend it to him.
                                                             agree disagree

If you agree with most of the sentences, then you are obviously a enerous, loyar and great brother or sister. If you disagree, maybe you can use this survey to learn how to become a better brother or sister!

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